The way an idea is connected ‚Äî is the idea. Noodle associates the files of a working directory into nested mind-maps and features powerful functions for manipulating the structure of your knowledge base. Download the latest version! The project site,, has all noodly things: üìö Docs üß≠ Guides üí¨ Discussion ??? What is the best/fundamental/truest representation of information? Turing says everything is a unidimmensional array of binary states....
Digital technology threatens important values and concepts like free will, bodily autonomy, private property, identity, and rule of law. Digital personhood is the necessary response. It is simultaneously a philosophy of what a person is, a politics of data, and a technology stack for networked personal computing devices. This is my formulation of — and elaboration on the cypherpunk vision. Cypherpunk: (Not cyBerpunk) CyPHerpunk is a movement that started in the 80s which purports that encryption is needed by everyday people to preserve their privacy....
Power is conventionally thought of as a quantity. The more you have, the more you can do. While not inaccurate, it is a partial view that misses the essential dynamics of agency. Strategic State Space The way I conceptualize power has to do with this idea which I’m borrowing from the field of artificial intelligence. The “state space approach” is a strategy for solving complex problems. You encode the state of your game or problem and define vectors by which the state can change....
Physicalism is the great ontological pillar of the modern world. It is the prerequisite and cohesive paradigm of reality for all science. Those who think differently, esoterically, or who hold a traditional view, are forced to account for this intrusive and powerful worldview, to describe their positions in terms relative to physicalism. Ontological Precedence Physicalism is a structure of layers where everything and anything is a thing made of things made of things....
Access control over personal data is the contemporary warfront for freedom. Encrypted messaging is a simple improvement anyone can make. Here are my top choices for private messaging. I’ll go into why I chose these particular apps and protocols a little further down. Signal Signal was chosen as the best overall practical option. This is a great option for talking to friends and family, people who would already have your phone number....
Despite being one of the most important ideas in civilization it’s so often misunderstood. Secularity is spectacularly subtle and I’m astounded people ever even came up with it in the first place. Pseudo-Secularism I’ve had to do some deliberation as to what I should call the prevailing idea of secularity which I’m critizing. “Secular” doesn’t work because there is a true, subtle, and vital concept of secularity which I’m arguing we ought to preserve....